Technical retouching, cleaning small spots, scratches or fractures not touching face or complicated elements of image. Simple color correction, enhancing sharpness.
Portrait of a woman. Technical retouching
Photo retouching of two military men in the studio
Retouching a photo of a sailor
Retouching an old family photo
Restore faded colours
Portrait of a man. Restoring a lost part of an image
Retouching children’s photos. Removing stains and scratches.
Retouch old photo
Retouch the old photo. Tone correction
2nd Level Restoration Samples Gallery
Retouching,cleaning spots,scratches or fractures on face,body or difficult (small) details of the image.Fixing defects on the complicated backgrounds.Detailed (selected) color or tone correction.Simple collage(changing the background).Adding or removing simple elements.
Portrait retouch. Stain removal. Sharpening
Portrait retouching. Remove scratches and fractures of photo paper
Retouching a portrait of a military aviator. Restoration of lost fragments of the pilot cap
Restoring a torn picture
Restore a damaged photo. Elimination specks and scratches
Restoration of an old photo
3rd Level Restoration Samples Gallery
Fixing or removing multiple spots,scratches,fractures or any other defects over all the image. Restoring the missed pieces of image. Restoring missed pieces of face, body or complicated backgrounds. Removing the texture of photo paper. Coloring single portraits with simple background.
Restoration of an old family photo
Old photo restoration. Remove photo paper texture
Portrait of a young woman. Elimination of large spots, cracks and scratches on the photo
Restoration of a photo of two military men
Portrait retouching. Restoration of elements of the military uniform
The restoration of the old family portrait
Restoration of an old damaged photo
Complex restoration of a photo of a man. Elimination specks and scratches on face
Retouching and colorization of old photo
Retouching and colorizing an old photo
Restoring a damaged photo from a family archive
Restoration of a portrait of a young couple
4th Level Restoration Samples Gallery
Working with group photographs. Removing multiple defects on the image with several faces, bodies. Restoring the ripped photos. Coloring the group photos or photographs with lot of details. Complicated collage.
Restoration of a damaged family photo
Family portrait before and after restoration
Portrait retouching
Restoration of an old wedding photo
Complex restoration. Restoration of a torn photograph of a group portrait of military seamen
Restoration of a broken photo
Restoring an old photo. Removing numerous emulsion cracks on the face. Restoration of the eye
Restoration of lost fragments of the image. Tone sepia
Complex restoration. Old torn family photograph before and after restoration
Old family portrait before and after restoration
Restoration of torn photo
The restoration of a portrait photo with many scratches and spots on the face