Photo Restoration Before And After Examples

1st Level Restoration Samples Gallery

Technical retouching, cleaning small spots, scratches or fractures not touching face or complicated elements of image. Simple color correction, enhancing sharpness.

2nd Level Restoration Samples Gallery

Retouching,cleaning spots,scratches or fractures on face,body or difficult (small) details of the image.Fixing defects on the complicated backgrounds.Detailed (selected) color or tone correction.Simple collage(changing the background).Adding or removing simple elements.

3rd Level Restoration Samples Gallery

Fixing or removing multiple spots,scratches,fractures or any other defects over all the image. Restoring the missed pieces of image. Restoring missed pieces of face, body or complicated backgrounds. Removing the texture of photo paper. Coloring single portraits with simple background.

4th Level Restoration Samples Gallery

Working with group photographs. Removing multiple defects on the image with several faces, bodies. Restoring the ripped photos. Coloring the group photos or photographs with lot of details. Complicated collage.